TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, | |
And sorry I could not travel both | |
And be one traveler, long I stood | |
And looked down one as far as I could | |
To where it bent in the undergrowth; | 5 |
Then took the other, as just as fair, | |
And having perhaps the better claim, | |
Because it was grassy and wanted wear; | |
Though as for that the passing there | |
Had worn them really about the same, | 10 |
And both that morning equally lay | |
In leaves no step had trodden black. | |
Oh, I kept the first for another day! | |
Yet knowing how way leads on to way, | |
I doubted if I should ever come back. | 15 |
I shall be telling this with a sigh | |
Somewhere ages and ages hence: | |
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— | |
I took the one less traveled by, | |
And that has made all the difference. | 20 |
Well hello there.. It is true. It is here. I am not trying to do anything fancy here. Just to put things into perspective, my first blog is not going to be what i think about me rather what i can get from others about what they think about me. At least in this post :P. This is my version of the experiments with truth or something close to it. Maybe serious at times. Maybe funny and most of all, it will be dumb, because the truth is mostly unexpected as it is too dumb to be true.
So here it goes.
I am going to ask the people I know in my college and what they think of me. Lets see what they replied. But do not trust every reply. Some are just sugar-coated. Then I will try to find out what they really think. But not possible, but a definite try.
I can not quote names due to privacy issues. But I can assign numbers.
1. "I don't think of you much"
Now that is God's honest truth.
2. "I think you're a normal human being. Nothing wrong about you, you hust do what you think is right.And that's a good thing. A good friend to people. Popular. Dunno much about you. That's all." + "Not irritating"
Partly true but it is a constricted view. The person has restricted himself/herself from giving away too many thoughts.
3. "Good at heart, intelligent... Handling stress has to be improved..."
This is a comment that can be only from a person who has seen me from a distance.
4. "An intelligent and great friend, who does not show off to others, no matter how much stuff he has compared to others. And one who helps his friends when they need his help, and jovial, smiling boy :-)"
You could say this was from a friend who has seen one side of mine.
5. "Different reactions at different times... Speaking well but at times confusing.."
Very true. Very accurate.
6. "Good intelligent calm person.. As cool as cucumber:-) Got so much of helping tendency. Multilingual person which has made me 2 feel jealous about you. That's it as of now, but will tell so much later :-)"
Similar to point no.4.
7. "A person with too many talents.. But don't know how to use it.."
An observation I had made myself.
8. "Smart, cool, reserved, good friend but someone with whom i couldn't spend much time.."
A reserved reply indeed.
9. "A friend of mine : a-amiable f-foolish r-reserved i-intellect e-exciting n-naive d-dedicated o-overconfident f-frenzy m-mold-able i-intriguing n-nonsense e-enigmatic"
Dumb isn't it? Seriously.
10. "Whatever"
11. "Am not that much close to you.. So i don't know how you are.. But few things which I felt about you is.. You're a person who speaks lot.. But I get unexpected reactions from you for even very small incidents.. When compared to the other boys in our class, you're good as concerned with me.. A good hearted fellow in our class.. And that's it.. Have a great future.. Be happy.. My best wishes"
A person who has tried to know me but maybe I dint give them too much of a chance.
12. "About you.. Very intelligent.. Likes to move with all people.. Is very practical.. The bad.. Cannot always stick to something. You don't show the josh in the long run as in the beginning if u take up something."
I intend to prove this wrong someday, but as facts stand, the bad part is true.
13. "You are a straight forward person which I like about you, so don't change it.. Straight forward, assertive, moody.."
The foremost thing that anyone can see in me.
14. "You are a good guy. Slightly need to work the way in which you talk to people. At times, you speak as if to challenge the second person that you are right. Make yourself more 'approachable'."
Yeah, I got to work on interpersonal skills, but I guess I just like being 'unapproachable'.
15. "Kind hearted but covered by his rudeness.. stubborn..."
Too short a reply, buddy.
The most interesting point of this experiment is how I felt when I read these messages. Every message made me think of the person who sent it. The most important point is that I did not concentrate what the message had to tell about me, I think I was looking for how wrong they were about me and how there are bad things in them too. A little sadistic, but yet that is the truth. This was the result at end, I don't like to be told anything, good or bad, because I'd rather be the worst than not the best. An unfortunate end to the experiment. Or maybe I am not revealing all the details. I am not actually comfortable talking about myself yet, so in my future posts I will be discussing some other stuff, partly or fully, directly or indirectly, or not all regarding me. Until the next one.
Now what.. u gonna become some psychologist? Already had enough at cordys?
ReplyDeletehe he... its a secret.. and cordys is great btw...
ReplyDeleteatalast i read ur blog today(eventho i knew the link bfore)... btw wats the point to b taken out at the end of this looooong post??
ReplyDeletethe point is that the experiment needs working on before i post the next one on that topic..
ReplyDeletedude h do we ever know whom u r referring to in this long observations list unless u give sum clues ..with out those clues your observations wont be effective for the readers like us.....
ReplyDeleteyou dont need to know who told, you just need to know what was told..